Comment Neelie (Kroes)

Making speeches talk

Comment Neelie
excerpt from: Innovating for Europe
[...] Even in times of stretched budgets, public and private, we must remember that this investment, this dedication to research, will pay us back many times in the years to come, economically and socially.
Our community agrees with this statement, but we are investing in our future, to leave a lasting legacy for future generations. A fibre network connecting all the homes and businesses in 8 parishes of a rural upland area. If you google for B4RN you can find us... I won't post links here in case I get accused of spamming, but its a really worthwhile project being done by ordinary people, who have found many experts within their parishes capable of building and running a world class network. If we can do it, others can too.
cyberdoyle, 30/11/2011 12:33