Comment Neelie (Kroes)

Making speeches talk

Comment Neelie
[...] So I share your conviction that ICT is essential to future growth. That is why I want to empower citizens by getting Every European Digital. And that is why I am determined, for the sake of Europe's prosperity and competitiveness, to achieve all this.
The sisters have grit. Now we need some men of grit, to take the sand, make it into fibre and get it to every european home and business. If we leave it to the telcos they will continue to sweat their copper assets and many will be left on the wrong side of the digital divide. Bring on the fibre. Bring on the innovation, and let us give this copper cabal a run for their money and make them up their game and stop them convincing politicians that an old phone network can deliver next generation access to all. It can't.
cyberdoyle, 07/12/2011 20:46