Comment Neelie (Kroes)

Making speeches talk

Comment Neelie
[...] So I say: invest in getting every Italian Digital. Then every Italian can benefit from those economic and social chances. Governments can save billions of euros through wider use of cheaper, easier e-Government services. And businesses can access new markets.
Titti Arena
Credo che uno dei maggiori ostacoli alla digitalizzazione in Italia sia proprio la logica sottostante per esempio ai social network: trasparenza, libero acesso, immediatezza, folksonony... e chi le vuole qui da noi?roba da anarchici extraparlamentari...
Titti Arena, 11/04/2012 14:33
Fabrizio Riccomi
good challange in a country where the population has a contrary piramidal demographical structure!!!!!
Fabrizio Riccomi, 11/04/2012 16:38