Comment Neelie (Kroes)

Making speeches talk

Comment Neelie
[...] These are very promising projects indeed, which I'll follow closely. But let me underline that this is only the first round of commitments. Those of you who have not yet entered a pledge: ask yourselves, what can I do to fill the gap? And by this I do not mean: how can I re-brand what I am doing anyway as a pledge? I mean doing something different, or something extra, or something better than business as usual. Otherwise we will all be here ten years from now with exactly the same problems we have today, only worse. Nor do I just mean industry; I hope other stakeholders as well will come forward and make concrete pledges. You have from now until 31 May, that leaves nearly three months' time for preparation; we will then present all pledges together at the Digital Agenda Assembly in June.