Comment Neelie (Kroes)

Making speeches talk

Comment Neelie
[...] And you also told me some of the obstacles you find in today's European market. When you connect up your offices, you get a connection that is slow, inconsistent, or patchy. You pay too much, like through high interconnection fees or roaming rates. When you pick a broadband provider, you don't have enough competition and choice. I know that many of you would love to use innovative services, but they aren't always on offer. And, by the way, I know many of you face security threats too: in the UK, for example, in one year alone, three quarters of small businesses, and 93% of large ones, suffered a cybersecurity breach. The cost and impact of those breaches can be significant, sometimes even millions of euros. It's often businesses who foot the bill: and it's time we joined forces to get more secure.