Comment Neelie (Kroes)

Making speeches talk

Comment Neelie
[...] The world is going digital. This is a growing global market: we must take advantage. But our telecoms sector and ICT ecosystem, once the envy of the world, are not competing. Our citizens and businesses face barriers and unfair charges. This is supposed to be a global network: but it faces border checkpoints, even within our single market.
Chris Conder
Our phone networks are still the best in the world for phone calls and faxes, but the world has moved on and we are left behind in the digital slow lane on copper. Its time to light some fibre. And not just to poxy cabinets. Real fibre broadband is fibre to the home, and the countries who continue to leach the assets of old phone networks will be left out of the digital revolution.
Chris Conder, 10/07/2013 18:15