Comment Neelie (Kroes)

Making speeches talk

Comment Neelie
[...] Next week I will be coming forward with a package to help us create that connected continent. To bring down the barriers that mean communications stop at borders. Taking away red tape and constraints that keep telecoms companies boxed into tiny national markets; limiting their ambition and limiting consumer choice. Turning European telecommunications into a dynamic, unified single market. Delivering connectivity for all: the fast, reliable, pan-European networks that can underpin pan-European services, and a vibrant app economy too. For example – for wireless spectrum, faster and more coordinated assignment makes it easier to plan investments, with better economies of scale, and work across borders. While better rules on WiFi will mean more competition and less congestion. An end to the discriminatory blocking and throttling that can kill new apps and services. All this meaning more fast broadband and more choice for every mobile European.