Comment Neelie (Kroes)

Making speeches talk

Comment Neelie
[...] Today it's too hard for you to work across the EU's borders. You shouldn't have to seek separate authorisations in each country you work in; that's not what a single market is about. If you can operate anywhere in Europe, you should be able to operate everywhere in Europe! Any operator should be able to serve every European, without discrimination. You should have more consistent access to fixed networks in different countries, streamlining wholesale access to enable consistent, quality services that cross borders. For wireless, spectrum rules and assignment timing need to be more coordinated; and better used, through innovations like spectrum sharing and new rules on public WiFi. Europe is well behind in the 4G roll-out race, and we can't afford to stay there. Governments can't carry on treating spectrum like a cash cow: pricing needs to reflect the wider benefit.