Comment Neelie (Kroes)

Making speeches talk

Comment Neelie
excerpt from: A cloud for Europe
[...] Those are my five steps up to a European cloud. Investing in key pan-European service infrastructures. Stimulating demand through government procurement, and supply through research and innovation. Building trust and transparency. And developing a single market for data, where economies of scale stimulate a vibrant dynamic market, and European solutions.
Ronald Duncan
We look forward to helping @NeelieKroesEU achieve these steps
Ronald Duncan, 15/11/2013 12:08
Cas Tuyn
EU and national politicians are the first to benefit from a non-US cloud (which has proven to be a NSA content collector). Also companies with USA competition (Airbus for instance) will want to switch as soon as possible. With AMS-IX as one of the biggest internet hubs we also have the capability to route sensitive traffic around the USA and its evit followers UK/AUS/NZ.
Cas Tuyn, 26/11/2013 12:59