Comment Neelie (Kroes)

Making speeches talk

Comment Neelie
[...] During the CEO Roundtable process, you told me that you would like to continue working on transparency and best efforts internet. I encourage the industry to come up with initiatives in these two areas, and ideally also traffic management. The format you choose to continue your discussions is up to you. In parallel, I will study the facts and figures that BEREC is due to deliver. We will then be able to take the most appropriate action.
Don Key
The state does not have to receive committments from the market place but set rules. The governance attitude of Kroes does not suit the dignity of a public office. A Commissioner is not a kind of Monarch of the market to which the CEOs bring their committments and myrrh. The state sets the rules under which competition in the market is supposed to take place. Companies do not want "competition", they aim to become "competitive", want to be monopolists. Kroes has to enforce the rules.
Don Key, 14/10/2011 20:56