Comment Neelie (Kroes)

Making speeches talk

Comment Neelie
[...] And you can see it from many angles. You can talk about GDP, disruption and dynamism, about growth and value, about the energy it gives to our economy, the boost to business. But you can also talk about the impact on people's lives. Educating people, empowering people, employing people. I've seen so many of those inspiring stories about the incredible impact on individuals. Everywhere: from vibrant, urban startup hubs – to community initiatives that connect the most isolated areas.
Chris Conder
#DAD14eu and most of the disruption and innovation has come from the people, without support from government. This power has to be harnessed, nurtured and supported. Your people are the future, not some over paid consultants. Listen to your people.
Chris Conder, 29/09/2014 15:44