Comment Neelie (Kroes)

Making speeches talk

Comment Neelie

Driving digital growth

Brussels , 18 December 2012

Press conference on new digital priorities for 2013-2014
SPEECH/12/964 (see the source)
by Neelie Kroes
Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda

Good morning everybody

We conducted a comprehensive review of our Digital Agenda for Europe and it is going well.sentence permalink


But that is not enough.

Yesterday doesn't count in the digital world - complacency is a killer. And Europe doesn't have time.sentence permalink


The digital economy is growing seven times faster than the rest of the economy.sentence permalink


If not for the digital economy then the EU would be in recession.sentence permalink


So we have to take our digital opportunities.sentence permalink


Today I am presenting a "to-do" list today, for 2013 and 2014.sentence permalink


It is a wake-up call.

Broadband and jobs are the topics.

But the message is that we need to take risks and push ourselves.sentence permalink


There is too much risk-avoiding in Brussels and in national capitals.sentence permalink


That has to stop or Europe has no future.sentence permalink


I refuse to just tick off the list of actions we created in 2010.sentence permalink


I don't want that, that is lazy. Europe cannot afford laziness.sentence permalink


That is why I am here today with new priorities.sentence permalink


This is personal for me. I am 71; I don't have to do this job.sentence permalink


But I want to. I want to because I am inspired by this new generation, and want them to see the value of Europe too.sentence permalink


I don't want to say in 2014 that I am ashamed of not speaking, or regretting not acting.sentence permalink


Europe needs this.

The seven actions you can see from our press release, and on the screen behind me, revolve around broadband and getting the economy moving.sentence permalink


Some of it we already started- like stabilising regulation for broadband through to 2020.sentence permalink


In 2013 we will make that concrete, with a package of 10 actions just on broadband. It needs to be seen as a package, and it's a balanced package. The markets have given positive reactions.sentence permalink


So the time for thinking and complaining is over.sentence permalink


2013 is all about doing.

There are some legislative elements - like the Cybersecurity Directive that is planned.sentence permalink


But instead of just spending more money or writing more laws, in most cases in the digital world, you can do more and quicker by just bringing people together.sentence permalink


This is why we run so many dialogues - like with copyright; or build coalitions - like for kids online and to increase jobs and skills.sentence permalink


Don't take the lack of regulations and directives as a sign of weakness or a lack of ambition - it is a sign that our brains are working.sentence permalink


You need to see the Digital Agenda as a network of networks. Like the web entrepreneur conferences, the village broadband companies, the "Campuseros" from Campus Party, the Digital Champions, the open source community, my 60,000 followers on Twitter.sentence permalink


Speaking of the Digital Champions, here are inspirational leaders. Martha Lane Fox got millions online in the UK. Gergana Passy in Bulgaria and Paul Baran in Romania are just as good.sentence permalink


Yesterday Ireland appointed David Puttnam - the Oscar winning film producer - to be the Irish Digital Champion.sentence permalink


What an incredible start for the Irish Presidency!sentence permalink


Just imagine what he will achieve with a bit of publicity in the next years. This is a huge endorsement of the Digital Agenda and what we can do together.sentence permalink


You will see why I think the digital world is limitless and why I think that we can create industrial success in Europe by thinking across borders.sentence permalink


Why not a "digital Airbus", or an "Airbus for the chip sector"? That scale of success is what you can get if you put borders aside, and work in partnership.sentence permalink


When it comes to jobs, I want you to know that the internet creates jobs.sentence permalink


Probably four million if we implemented the whole Digital Agenda.sentence permalink


But more than that, I want Europeans to see that creating your own job is sexy - and the internet makes it possible. We need more people brave enough to take that opportunity.sentence permalink


I don't have the words to describe the energy I get working with Europe's web entrepreneurs and the activists in the digital world.sentence permalink


I am determined to bring their voices into European debates and to share that energy.sentence permalink


We are all looking for reasons for hope at the moment. If you want hope - don't spend all day looking for it in this building, go look at these entrepreneurs instead.sentence permalink


They are building the future; they are growing faster than China.sentence permalink


Their ideas for policy too can be excellent. France's "Les Pigeons" group told me, and rightly so, that we shouldn't be talking about cutting the Erasmus programme at Council summits - we should be adding an "entrepreneur's Erasmus programme" instead!sentence permalink


Whatever the specific ideas, please pay attention to the momentum of this movement. This energy is what Europe needs, and what the Digital Agenda works to provide.sentence permalink


I will work with every breath in 2013 and 2014 to give our young people, our entrepreneurs, the conditions and incentives they deserve, so we can all share in their achievements.sentence permalink
