Today I want to talk about the future; your future, and Europe's.sentence permalink
And about how we, and you, can ensure that future is as strong as possible.sentence permalink
The fact is, in the European Union the last 50 years were an unparalleled time of peace & prosperity.sentence permalink
That brought exceptional stability, wealth and privilege to hundreds of millions of lives.sentence permalink
Will the next 50 years follow the same trend? I don't know. I hope so. But they won't necessarily. We cannot become complacent, or decadent. Quite simply, our future depends on our present. On our mindset, on our decisions, and on our ability to innovate.sentence permalink
I want to talk about the theme of innovation at a higher level, by highlighting more depth and greater perspective compared to how political parties currently talk about it and I want to connect it to:sentence permalink
1. The position of the Netherlands in Europesentence permalink
2. The position of Europe in the world
3. Sustainability
4. The humanisation of the world.
1. The Netherlands can participate in the development, application and dissemination of progressive IT and digitisation for the benefit of new, sustainable products and processes that bring prosperity to a quantitatively and qualitatively higher level for today's, but also tomorrow's, consumers around the world. This can give way to meaningful and high-quality employment. (With this I do not mean employment as a goal, but as a tool with a view to satisfying the needs of consumers). This program is only feasible with an interactive Europe. The discussion on the financial and monetary aspects of the crisis has diverted too much attention away from this innovative route to sustainable economic and social development. The implementation of the Digital Agenda is the vehicle for "creative destruction", this is what the Austrian economist, Joseph Schumpeter (1883-1950), was talking about as a characterisation of what is happening in the world: demolishing the old and creating the new.sentence permalink
2 Now that the above mentioned program is carried out elsewhere in the world, not a single country in Europe –not even Germany- can maintain its position alone when competing with the global violence of new emerging economies. Europe must therefore work together in a sensible way. The current financial restructuring at EU level is a sign of Europe's growing sustainable and qualitative economic development, which can compete with other blocks in the world.sentence permalink
3 Sustainable economic development will lead to massive investment and meaningful employment but it requires continuous innovation. This is above all about impressive gains for The Netherlands, Europe and the world. Gains which consumers experience with increased prosperity. Improving the environment, clean drinking water for everyone, sustainable energy and reducing climate threats are tangible improvements for consumers. So here are tremendous opportunities for innovative businesses that respond to new needs and for which the Digital Agenda also provides. Economists who believe that the environment only costs moneydo not see, for example, that the renovation of all houses in The Netherlands would fulfil private and social needs more from a sustainable point of view than building new offices and homes which remain empty. Sustainability is the future.sentence permalink
4 By this I mean that the people in question, ie in their role as consumers, should come back into the picture (see corporations, healthcare and education where there is talk of dehumanisation). The Digital Agenda can serve this purpose.sentence permalink
Europe faces many challenges these days. If we don't adapt – quite simply, we may not be able to keep those happy lifestyles.sentence permalink
When I say challenges, I don't just mean the economic crisis. There is also, for example, the challenge of managing energy resources in a world of climate change. Or the challenge of a society that's getting older, and more dependent. All these, and more.sentence permalink
What's my prescription? It's that we need to make the most of our strengths. Here are three things in particular.sentence permalink
First, in Europe, we are privileged to belong to the biggest single market in the world, and a community of common values.sentence permalink
For the Netherlands, the EU accounts for three quarters of our exports - exports worth 120 billion euros a year, and 1.5 million jobs. The economic benefits are clear.sentence permalink
But that link between our markets, and between our 500 million citizens, didn't happen by accident. It happened thanks to vision, to a spirit of innovation and cooperation.sentence permalink
We should be inspired by that example.
Because we can't face up to the challenges ahead by calling each other names. Nor by complaining about our neighbours and partners. Nor by pretending we could do without them.sentence permalink
No: that won't work. Plenty of other parts of the world are ready to race ahead of us.sentence permalink
We must keep up, and so we must work together.sentence permalink
Let me give just one, simple, example of how. Wireless devices - your phone, your smartphone, your WiFi router - they only work thanks to radio spectrum. Well, that spectrum is becoming extremely precious; demand is growing exponentially. Each year, wireless broadband use doubles.We'll have to deal with that issue. And we should do so collectively and cooperatively. Otherwise tomorrow's smartphone may just stop working when you cross the border.sentence permalink
Today, the European Commission set out how the "shared use" of spectrum can fuel innovation for wireless devices.This is a bold and essential proposal. If we work together, we can deliver something essential to our citizens' futures. If we don't, we could strangle the wireless revolution.sentence permalink
The second thing to do to secure our future, is to grab every opportunity we have.sentence permalink
Technology is one of those opportunities. Particularly Information and Communications Technology. Its amazing potential offers me so much hope.sentence permalink
Make no mistake: ICT is huge.
The new services the Internet enables give you so much more efficiency, that the Internet helps small companies grow twice as fast, creates 5 jobs for every 2 lost, gives a massive boost to GDP. No wonder ICT provides half of Europe's productivity growth.sentence permalink
Already, today, Europe's Internet economy is bigger than The Netherlands, and growing faster than China. There seems no limit to it.sentence permalink
Of course ICT delivers not just growth, but government services, healthcare, education, electricity. As we saw in the Arab Spring: digital tools can even deliver democratic change!sentence permalink
And technology makes it easier than ever to do things differently. Online, you don't have to ask anyone's permission to innovate. It's cheaper, easier, less risky. Barriers to entry are low; what counts is energy, boldness, and being empowered. That's why you and your generation, can achieve more than mine ever could. And if you can tap just a small fraction of that potential, of that innovation, there's more than enough to keep us all afloat.sentence permalink
The third thing we need is to use the huge talent we have here in Europe.sentence permalink
I saw that talent on display last week in Berlin, at “Campus Party”. 10,000 young innovators and inventors between 16 and 30, all dedicated to tackling new challenges, to finding new solutions, and prepared to work day and night to deliver them.sentence permalink
And I saw that talent today here in Delft. Some very clever young guys using modelling to solve the world's problems, from simulating brain activity, to predicting floods. And one fantastic company, founded by Delft graduates, making electronic chips in a very innovative way.sentence permalink
I also recently visited a waste factory in Rotterdam which made new products out of the waste.sentence permalink
I know there's a lot of talent waiting to emerge right here in this room, too. Remember, it's our number one resource. Use it wisely.sentence permalink
But here's one more thing. The reason why I'm telling you all this.sentence permalink
Up until now, when things have gone wrong, it's someone else's fault, someone else's job to fix it: your parents, your professors, your employer; bankers, bureaucrats, politicians.sentence permalink
But soon, for you students, it will be your generation in control. You and your colleagues making the decisions that affect people's lives. Then it's going to be your responsibility to fix it, and you to blame if we don't. Take that seriously. Don't make the same mistakes as the current generation. Understand your responsibilities; and step up to them.sentence permalink
To do that, to solve the world's problems, you will need serious skills, know-how and experience. From now on, equipping yourself with those things is your duty.sentence permalink
And for you, faculty in the room, you have a duty too. A duty to teach your students how to learn, and how to innovate. A duty to ensure they take nothing for granted. A duty to ensure they dare to be bold.sentence permalink
That's the environment where innovation thrives; and change happens.sentence permalink
If I have one piece of advice for all of you today, it's this: don't be afraid to take a risk. And don't be afraid to try out a different kind of career.sentence permalink
If people tell you the only good job is safe job in a big organisation with a nice pension: ignore them. That's one lifestyle – but not the only one.You could also be self-employed. A freelancer. A consultant. An entrepreneur. An innovator. Whatever you want.sentence permalink
But only YOU can decide what the right path is – and then don't let anything, or anyone, stand in your way.sentence permalink
Because quite simply, we won't innovate and adapt if people play it safe. We need entrepreneurs, prepared to take a risk, prepared to try things out.sentence permalink
So do try it. If it doesn't work, don’t worry: failing is the most important, most instructive thing you'll ever do in life.sentence permalink
And if it does work, maybe you'll have found something you're amazing at, an idea that works, a change to improve our world.sentence permalink
Now is the time in your life take those kind of risks. So take advantage.sentence permalink
I'm going to leave you with just one more thought. I remember when I was at university, all the things I dreamed of, and all the schemes I had. I remember most of all believing then that I could do them all by myself.sentence permalink
But at some point you'll realise you're just one among a huge crowd of others.sentence permalink
Just one of those birds in that flock you saw on the video earlier. Just one person working your way among a swell of individuals, each seeking their own path, moving in their own way.sentence permalink
And just like those birds, you won't stay static. You'll lead and follow, disband and regroup, innovate and learn, organise and adapt.sentence permalink
And the result will be amazing.